Welcome to the Parish of Brickendon Liberty

Parish council

Brickendon Liberty Parish Council is non-party political and is actively involved in maintaining and developing the environment as a pleasant place to live, work and visit. As the first tier of government it has an important part to play in local democracy.

The council usually meets on the 4th Thursday of alternate months in Fanshaws Room (the village hall). All meetings are open to the public, and electors are welcome to put questions to the council or make comments at the beginning of each meeting.

Forthcoming meetings will be 27 March, 22 May, 24 July, 25 September, 27 November.

The Annual Parish Meeting (a meeting of the parishioners, not a council meeting) will be held ???.

The council comprises five elected members:

Role  Person 
Chair: Cllr Tony Roberts, 01992 511035
Vice chair: Cllr Hannah O'Donnell, 07775 652432
Councillors: Cllr Philip Cosford, 01992 511207
     Cllr Alastair Whitaker, 07775 625181
Cllr Amanda Whitaker, 07984 937315
Clerk to the Council: Laura Brooks-Payne, 07803 906291

Register of Interests

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 all local authorities had to adopt a new Code of Conduct based on the seven Nolan Principles of conduct in public life; selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

Within twenty eight days of taking office members are required of submit a Register of Interests disclosing pecuniary and other non-pecuniary interests which must be published. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.

The Monitoring Officer of East Herts District Council is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Register.

Freedom of Information / Transparency

Representatives at Higher Tiers of Government

East Herts District Council, 01279 655261 eastherts.gov.uk | Hertford Heath and Brickendon ward: Tim Hoskin (Green Party)

Hertfordshire County Council, 01438 737555 hertfordshire.gov.uk | Ware South division: Jonathan Kaye (Conservative)

Member of Parliament (Broxbourne constituency): Lewis Cocking lewiscocking.uk (Conservative)

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